What Black Pittsburgh Needs to Know

What Black Pittsburgh Needs To Know | Guns: Safety and Regulation | 2-2-2021

Episode Summary

Black people naive been buying a record level of guns over the last couple of years. This is especially true for Black women. Whatever you may think about guns and their role in our society, they are everywhere. It is critical for Black people to understand the laws that govern fun ownership, where we get sideways with the law, how to be a safe fun owner and how to survive an interaction with police. Being a legal fun owner doesn't translate into being safe in a policing situation.

Episode Notes

Black people naive been buying a record level of guns over the last couple of years. This is especially true for Black women. Whatever you may think about guns and their role in our society, they are everywhere. It is critical for Black people to understand the laws that govern fun ownership, where we get sideways with the law, how to be a safe fun owner and how to survive an interaction with police. Being a legal fun owner doesn't translate into being safe in a policing situation.